Welcome to the CGCM Podcast/Website. We are a group of music passionate folks from around the world. Although we began in Canada with only the podcast co-hosts, we now realize an entire team of staff from Canada, UK, USA and Sweden! Follow us at our website and/or social media for all our podcasts, album/concert reviews, interviews, photo galleries and more!
Check out all CGCMs BEST OF 2019 lists below from each individual contributor. Enjoy listening to the Best of 2019 podcasts, featuring a ton of the music and hopefully you found some things that maybe you missed throughout the year. Feel free to share the lists and/or podcasts around and let us know what you were rocking to in 2019.
Keep an eye on our Upcoming Release page for all the info on the hottest releases throughout 2020. Every article we post has Amazon links (if available) so you can easily buy the album and support the artists. Here’s to 2020 🥂
The CGCM TEAM of Contributors (CGCMs Best of 2019)
It’s been an incredible year for us here at The Canadian Geeks Chatting Metal (CGCM) Podcast/Website. We witnessed huge growth in podcast listening numbers. We saw our Facebook page breach 1,000 “likes”. And we unveiled our new website.
While the podcast, hosted by “Wallygator” Norton and Rich “The Meister” Dillon, has been operating since 2017, it took until 2019 to see the launch of our brand new website. The boys wanted an outlet for their creativity in writing album/concert reviews, blogs and articles. Soon Trevor “Psychoone” McDougall, an avid listener since day 1 of the CGCM Podcast, came on board as a writer/reviewer.
Closer to the end of the year our team simply exploded…and internationally as well. We welcomed fellow Canadian contributing writers and photographers, Shawn “Animalize” Irwin, Brian Ronald and Dave “Andy Travis” Wood to the team. But CGCM cannot be contained within the Canadian borders and we stretched our reach into our Commonwealth and the UK. Welcoming on board Adam “Coxy” Cox, Tom Cornell, Graham “Sparky” Spark and Ian “Mad Ian” Spencer, all based in the UK. But we didn’t stop there. Our lone USA representative, Andy “Maddog” Lafon joined us late in the year. Was that enough additions to the CGCM Team in 2019? Hell no! Sweden is well represented by Mikael Svensson and Rachel Leigh Vendetta. With this awesome team of music lovers around the world, we usher in the New Year and jump headlong into 2020.
Through it all was the Music
Check out all our lists from each individual contributor. Enjoy listening to the podcasts, featuring a ton of the music. Feel free to share the lists around and let us know what you were rocking to in 2019.
Keep an eye on our Upcoming Release page for all the info on the hottest releases throughout 2020. Check out some of our audio podcast episodes, rate us on Podchaser or follow on Facebook!
And as always: buy the albums! AMAZON.ca / AMAZON.com / AMAZON.co.uk
Big things in the works for CGCM…stay tuned!