CGCM ROCK RADIO STATION CURRENT CGCM RADIO SHOWS The radio shows currently broadcast on CGCM Rock Radio. See "BROADCAST SCHEDULE" for days and times. All back shows are available for streaming via MIXCLOUD MEISTER MUSIC LIVE-TO-AIR! Hosted by Rich “The Meister” Dillon, watch the live video and interact in chatoom on MixCloud ROCK & ROLL SWAMP Join Wallygator Saturday afternoons at 4pm EST as he hosts the Rock and Roll Swamp! DAVE'S HARD ROCK Dave, for the most part, is stuck in the ’80s/’90s where rock music is concerned; and he’s ok with that! THE POWERCHORD The Power Chord highlights the type of music that host Ivan Galesic grew up on and still loves today. MIXFIX WITH BENSCORZ! A 2hr show that takes you back to when you made hard and heavy mixtapes for your friends or for yourself. BETWEEN THE STACKS 20-year radio veteran, Bob Bannister brings his love of hard rock, metal and everything radio to the airwaves FRENCH CONNECTION TOP 20 COUNTDOWN FORMER SHOWS AVAILABLE ON MIXCLOUD It takes a lot of time, effort and committment to do a radio show and unfortunately sometimes life happens and we need to take a break. These shows will hopefully return down the road, but until then the back episodes are available via MIXCLOUD CGCM PODCAST CGCM phenomenon started with this podcast hosted by Wallygator and Meister RACHEL'S RIFFS A Canadian girl living in Stockholm, Sweden, Rachel showcased her love of sleaze and glam MEISTER'S RETRO 80'S The Meister hosts this 80s pop show that began as a one-time special broadcast PSYCHOTIC STRIPSHOW Hosted by Trevor McDougall and Robert dePasqua they featured music of the L.A. Strip-era sound. THE BEAVER BUZZ Hosted by Buzzsaw Beaver and Dave Wilks, this is the new music show you need! ANIMALIZE IRWIN Shawn "Animalize" Irwin's weekly show cultivated from his massive personal music library. THE BURKE SHOW Broadcasting from the UK, Liam Burke featured great Hard Rock and Metal BROADCAST SCHEDULE Here's our daily broadcast schedule for all CGCM Radio Shows and special events!