NUBIAN ROSE – Amen (January 26, 2024)


🤘New release from: NUBIAN ROSEAmen (January 26, 2024)🤘

NUBIAN ROSE, the Melodic Rock sensation of the early 10’s, is back after a long hiatus. Their new album, AMEN, will be released on the 26th of January 2024.

On AMEN, Nubian Rose show a more progressive side of the band, but with their trademark foundation of strong melodies, great hooks, big guitars, and the powerful voice of Sofia Lilja. While writing AMEN, Christer and Sofia wanted to challenge themselves to take Nubian Rose to new frontiers.

AMEN sounds very different, but hopefully in a good way”, says Sofia. “As people we are constantly growing, so why wouldn’t our music grow? And what would be the point of making another Mountain, or Mental Revolution?

They wanted to cut all ”obligations” that creators very often feel because of outside expectations. “We wanted to let the music flow through us, not forcing the music out of us”, says Christer. We wanted to make a dynamic album and let all our sources of inspiration have a seat at the table.

The list of inspiration for AMEN is long and diverse, with everything from Judas Priest, Rainbow and Cheap Trick to David Bowie, John Carpenter, Dalbello, Stevie Nicks, and the amazing album The Wanderer, by Donna Summer.

AMEN is packed with analogue, vintage, synths. The gain level on the guitars is turned down a bit. Some of the songs don’t even have a traditional chorus and for the first time Nubian Rose has written a song that is almost 10 minutes long.

But the more classic rock songs are also in the mix. The story of NUBIAN ROSE started in 2012, with their self-financed, low-key release of their debut album, Mountain. With practically no PR, the album spread like wildfire in the world of Melodic Rock and soon they were featured in some of the greatest rock publications in the World, like Classic Rock Magazine, Burrn!! with outstanding reviews. Rockers like “Ever See Your Face” and “Mountain” together with the majestic power ballad, “How Am I“, became fan favourites. In 2014 the band released their Sophomore album, with a slightly heavier sound.

NUBIAN ROSE chose Pedro Ferreira to record and mix AMEN in his SpinRoad Studios outside of Gothenburg, Sweden. It was a perfect place for the huge analogue sound that they were looking for, with a Neve console, tape machines, a huge room for thundering drum sounds and a beautiful grand piano. Among a lot of other things, Pedro Ferreira produced the multi-platinum album, Permission To Land, by The Darkness. Some highlights from the album: “Memorial“. A short, emotional piece, where Sofia is experiencing her own death and funeral in the lyrics – “Dramatic Days“.

The album’s first upcoming single, with thunderous drums, big guitars, and catchy synth hooks, made for the arenas – “Break Down The Walls“. A high energy heavy rock tune, where Sofia brings out her inner fury – “Bright Light“.

For the first time, Christer shares the lead vocals department with Sofia – “Lost In The Mist“. A powerful, progressive track, almost ten minutes long.


1. Memorial
2. Dramatic Day
3 .Break Down The Walls
4. Running
5. Lost In The Mist
6. Red Sky
7. Desert Night
8. Holy Roar
9. Bright Light

Bonus Track:
10. Gonna Get Close To You

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