TREVOR “PSYCHOONE” MCDOUGALL 🇨🇦 (radio DJ/website writer): trevormcd@cgcmrockradio.com
This is Trevor. He is the third person ever on the CGCM team and the resident Man Mountain of Media (seriously, dude’s a legit 6’9″, approximately half the length of Gene Simmons‘ tongue). Speaking of the long-tongued one (yeah, segway!), Trevor wanted to make it known that he’s a major-league KISS fan, and he was introduced to them by, and I hope you’re sitting down for this, a Catholic monk! Yeah, one of those fellas in the brown robes. Trevor even has a real-life Gene Simmons costume. NEEEEERRRRDDDD! Trevor conveniently left that out of his write-up, but Rich and Wally came through in the clutch with that little tidbit, among others that I won’t repeat here. Thanks, guys!
Trevor fell in love with hard rock and metal, particularly music from L.A.’s Sunset Strip. You know, Mötley Crüe, Ratt, Poison, that kind of stuff. It was a much-needed escape from this thing we call “life”.
CGCM, during its larval stage (when it was a podcast, not when it was the powerhouse radio station you all know and love today), reached out to Trevor and asked him to be part of the team. Trevor was all like “Yeah” and joined Rich and Wally. When the CGCM Rock Radio station became a thing, Trevor co-hosted The Psychotic Stripshow (that sounds like a hell of a bachelor party) with Robert De Pasqua. However, Trevor went back to college, and the workload became a bit overwhelming. Trevor went on to graduate WITH HONORS as a graphic designer.
Now, as a result of his fancy computer-learnin’, Trevor does a lot of the graphics for the CGCM-related shows, websites, and social media posts. Heck, he even designed album covers for a couple of bands that you can hear on CGCM, and he hopes to parlay his skills into a whole-ass career path. Trevor knows more than anybody WHAT ROCK RADIO SHOULD BE!