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New release from: TROTOAR – No Salvation (May 29, 2020)
Trotoar is a project by Linnea Landstedt and Pontus Pettersson-Gull, members of Ice Age and Tyranex.
The first songs for Trotoar were written already in 2013 by Linnea before she met Pontus. She has always had a fondness for traditional heavy metal with twin guitar melodies and she wanted to create something that sounded like if it was from the early heavy metal era.
The name Trotoar, and how it is spelled doesn’t mean anything in Swedish. The name was taken because of the way it sounds and the feeling of it belonging to the French language. The early intention was to release a demo that would trick people to believe that they were listening to a forgotten single from 81 but the idea was soon rejected since they thought their secret wouldn’t last too long, unfolded by internet.
A demo was recorded with a drummer, a friend to Linnea but the results were not good enough to release. These three original Trotoar songs appear on the debut album in better and improved versions.
Furthermore, the early days of Trotoar was not taken too seriously and was overshadowed by the successes of Linnea’s main band, and there it was left, in the shadows of Tyranex for the coming years.
In 2016, Linnea had met Pontus who was enlisted to Tyranex as a drummer. As their friendship grew stronger Linnea played the old Trotoar demo for Pontus which led to a discussion about awakening the “French creation” but with one condition, that if they were going to set aside time for this project, it needed to become good enough for an album release.
The duo works great together and inspires each other to creativity. Soon they had written the foundation of the debut album with songs they believed would turn out great if they put some effort on arrangements and details. Pontus with his experiences of more extreme metal had to slow down his drumming and Linnea’s hardest struggle was to find her clean voice. They found a method of how to best develop their sound and musical skills by recording every song several times and take time to reflect and analyze their work.
When they were satisfied with ten songs they booked a studio for a recording session of the drums. The guitars, bass and vocals are recorded by themselves in their rehearsal room. Mixed and mastered by Obey Mastering. The debut album No Salvation is released in 2020 on label GMR Music.
Performances on No Salvation:
Linnea Landstedt – vocals, guitar, bass
Pontus Pettersson-Gull – drums
BUY: AMAZON.com / AMAZON.co.uk
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