THE FERRYMEN – Iron Will (Album Review)

Album: THE FERRYMENIron Will

Release Date: January 24th 2025

Label: Frontiers Music SRL

Review Author: Metal Mike71

This is a project put together by the record label Frontiers and is led by guitarist, songwriter and producer Magnus Karlsson (Primal Fear, Allen/Lande, Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall). The singer is Ronnie Romero (Lords of Black, Sunstorm, Rainbow) and the drummer is the powerhouse Mike Terrana (Rage, Axel Rudi Pell etc.)

Iron Will is the 4th album by this project/band and it is a heavy, powerful, epic but yet melodic album with a great production. I love the Allen/Lande albums that Magnus Karlsson wrote the music for and I think this album has similarities with them.

Choke Hold” is the first song and it goes from an atmospheric intro to a heavy and melodic track. A great start to the album.

Next comes “Mother Unholy” which is a powerful and heavy track. Great singing from Ronnie and it reminds a bit of Black Sabbath’s sound on the Headless Cross album.

The title song “Iron Will” is another great heavy metal song with hints of Saxon in the verse.

Above It All” is a mid-tempo song with a lot of keyboard layers in the mix.

In the song “Adrenaline“, we get the first power metal tempo song on the album. Heavy drumming on this one and a great chorus.

Darkest Storm” begins with a cool guitar intro before the song comes on. Almost every song starts with a slow intro and then goes into a heavy song. I really like the variation in the songs.

Dreams And Destiny” could be a song on a new Rainbow album. It is a ballad with a Celtic feel to it and Ronnie‘s voice shines on this song. Great song and a nice guitar solo.

Dust To Dust” picks up the pace again and begins with a modern touch of metal but then goes over to a mid-tempo metal song. Really heavy in the chorus.

The Darkness That Divides” is one of the best songs on the album that goes from fast to slow and then back to fast in the chorus.

Mind Games” is a very melodic yet heavy song. Great chorus and this really reminds me of the Allen/Lande albums. Another stand-out track on the album.

The last song is “You’re The Joker” and it is a power metal anthem. Great way to end the album.

This is a very varied album and if you have heard other albums from Magnus Karlsson I think it is his trademark. Ronnie sings great and relaxed and Mike beats the hell out of the drums. If you like melodic, powerful heavy metal this album is definitely for you.

Rating 7/10


Check out more of my articles on CGCM Rock Radio/Website: MetalMike71

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