Hard rock is one of the music industry’s most male-dominated genres. Together with Studiefrämjandet Musik, we at Sweden Rock want to try to make a difference for the future, partly through our joint work with New Music in Sweden, but also by finally restarting Sweden Rock-kollo for girls (cis or trans) between 14-17 again!
At Kollot, the participants get a chance to play, live and breathe hard rock for three days – and to develop their skills together with like-minded people. Camp leaders are no less than the girls in the Browsing Collection, and of course, the package ends with a study visit to the festival.
As of today, it is possible to apply to be part of this summer’s Sweden Rock package, which this year kicks off on 5 – 9 June in Hällevik outside Sölvesborg.
Do not forget to tip the one you think should apply! We dare to promise that the girls who are adopted will develop and have an experience of a lifetime!
Festival college for hard-rocking girls is finally back!
Together with Studiefrämjandet, Sweden Rock Festival wants to create better conditions for young girls who love and want to play hard rock. The application now opens for those between the ages of 14 and 17 who want to spend four days at Sweden Rock-kollo this summer.
Rock music and not least hard rock is generally heavily male-dominated. In Studiefrämjandet, work to make the study association’s music activities more equal has been ongoing since the beginning of the 2000s. For the third time in the order, Sweden Rock and Studiefrämjandet are now arranging Sweden Rock-kollo, a free camp that takes place 5 – 9 June.
“We know since the previous two seasons that rock-colot is extremely appreciated,” says Emma Heimersson, development manager in music at studiefrämjandet riksförbundet. To embrace rock music both practically and theoretically for four days is a dream for many young girls and we turn to everyone, whether cis or trans.
Sweden Rock-kollo is jointly financed between Studiefrämjandet and Sweden Rock, and part of the money comes from auctions on signed electric guitars from previously famous artists who played at Sweden Rock Festival. The leaders at the camp are the four girls in the hard rock band Browsing Collection.
“We are so proud and excited to have the great honour of motivating and inspiring young musicians at Sweden Rock Kollo for the third time,” says Moa Lenngren, guitarist in Browsing Collection. “This is undoubtedly the highlight of the year. We have noticed how much need there is for this type of venture so that the package can now be made again is so powerful!”
The registration period is open from 15 February – 15 March. Kollot is arranged at Hälleviksläger, which is located near Norje, and ends with a study visit to Sweden Rock Festival.
“Previous participants have been lyrical about their experience. We dare to promise that the girls who are admitted will develop and have an experience of a lifetime,” says Sofia Lindqvist Lacinai, Marketing Manager & Vice President, Sweden Rock.
In addition to Sweden Rock-kollo, Studiefrämjandet and Sweden Rock Festival also collaborate on the festival’s special stage for new and young bands. This summer, the stage Nemis – New Music in Sweden – is arranged for the 15th time and active gender equality work is also underway here. On stage are, among others, the girls in the Browsing Collection.
“We can hardly wait until we once again get to rock out with Sweden’s coolest young people, and continue the fight against a more equal hard rock Sweden,” concludes Moa Lenngren.
More information: www.studieframjandet.se/swedenrockkollo (with link on the page “Read also about Studiefrämjandet’s stage Nemis – New Music in Sweden at Sweden Rock Festival“)
Emma Heimersson, development leader music, Studiefrämjandet riksförbundet
08-545 707 18, emma.heimersson@studieframjandet.se
Sofia Lindqvist Lacinai, Marketing Manager & Vice President, Sweden Rock Festival
073-502 10 37, sofia@swedenrock.com
Moa Lenngren, Browsing Collection
0763-06 80 92
Mimi Brander, Browsing Collection
072-222 58 11
Read more and apply: SWEDEN ROCK KOLLO