Hello CGCM Rock Radio listeners and readers! Welcome to Beaver Buzz, a regular segment written by contributor Dave Wilks showcasing some newly released (or recently added) singles to the CGCM Rock Radio rotation. While listening to our station, you’ll hear our mascot Buzzsaw Beaver come on at the top of the hour with a new single to spin. We all at CGCM believe it’s important to feature new music. If you’re interested in having your band’s single played, send mp3 files and information to: radio@cgcmpodcast.com.
Check out all our Upcoming Release announcements here. Listen to the new music on CGCM Radio and join our socials: FACEBOOK GROUP / INSTAGRAM / TWITTER.
CGCM Rock Radio New Singles – May 12, 2021
I got to see some live music for the first time since February 2020. One of the bands, Immortal Sÿnn, celebrated the release of their second album, Force of Habit. They played with outstanding energy and something that’s really been missing from all the lockdowns and working from home, camaraderie. “Anamnesis” is a great track to showcase this super talented Denver band.
Lady Beast and Dream Tröll bring the traditional heavy metal to the party this week with a pair of great tracks in “Reaper” and “The Tormentor“. The song and video for Midnite City‘s “They Only Come Out at Night” amps up the anticipation for the album release on May 28. This time, they roll with a mini-movie to accompany the great track.
Reaper – Lady Beast
If you’re not aware of Lady Beast, I can’t think of anyone better than The Meister to tell you about them here or here or here. “Reaper” is 100% on point Lady Beast metal. Deborah Levine nails the epic sneer needed to pull off this old school metal track.
“Reaper” is on the upcoming Omens EP.
Anamnesis – Immortal Sÿnn
The sophomore album by Immortal Sÿnn released on May 7 represents a new direction for the band — think what Skid Row would’ve become after Slave to the Grind if Bas still sang and they got way heavier. “Anamnesis” is among the more melodic tracks with frontman Duel Shape‘s swaggering voice, the huge bass of Frantz Pierre, two-guitar attack of Brad Wagner and Tony Z. Axel Berrios on drums is something to behold.
“Anamnesis” is available on Force of Habit, out now.
Buy it now on BANDCAMP or get physical copies in the SYNNSTORE.
The Tormentor – Dream Tröll
A few weeks ago I stumbled across the masterpiece Sci-Fi video “Chrome Skull Viper” by Dream Tröll. So when “The Tormentor” came across the BB desk, I listened eagerly and was rewarded big time. “The Tormentor” has it all — huge riffs, thundering drums, a perfect bass groove, and a huge hook.
They Only Come Out at Night – Midnite City
Already releasing some of the finest big stadium rock tracks this year, “Crawlin’ in the Dirt” and “Atomic“, Midnite City’s final pre-release single “They Only Come Out At Night” keeps up pace. A crisp and effective little horror film is baked into the video of the infectious track. I cannot wait for the album!
“They Only Come Out at Night” is on Itch You Can’t Scratch, available May 28, 2021.
BUY: AMAZON.com / AMAZON.co.uk
The 6 🍺🍺🍺Pack 🍺🍺🍺
Our Six Pack this week includes “Inferno” and “Peace of Mind” from albums recently getting great reviews from Ivan (Orden Ogan) and Tom (The L.A. Maybe). Bloodbound and Silver Talon bust out the swords and turn up the metal on “March Into War” and “Kill All Kings“. Skinny Knowledge says “Sayonara” while Justin Larner embodies the spirit of ’86 with “Hot and Dangerous“.
Inferno – Orden OganCheck out Ivan’s review! BUY: AMAZON.CA / AMAZON.COM |
Sayonara – Skinny Knowledge |
March Into War – Bloodbound
Kill All Kings – Silver TalonBUY: BANDCAMP |
Hot and Dangerous – Justin Larner |
Peace of Mind – The L.A. MaybeTom really dug this album and called it “shed load of fun”. BUY: OFFICIAL WEBSITE |
Also, find more of my CGCM reviews here: Dave Wilks
If you’re interested in having your band’s single played, send mp3 files and information to: radio@cgcmpodcast.com.
Check out all our Upcoming Release announcements here.
Listen to the new music on CGCM Radio and join our socials: