Canadian Thunder! An episode 35 years in the making, well sort of. It was 35 years ago when two young Canadian Geeks raised their metal horns and screamed…”the Right to Rock!
Sometime in 1985, Keel (the band) managed to head North of the border and played one single show at the legendary Rock n Roll Heaven club here in Toronto. Unfortunately, 15-year-old Wallygator and a 13-year-old Meister were much too young to attend an alcohol-serving establishment. The band never made it back up to the Great White North.
This was of no consequence for the ever travelling Meister, who has managed to catch Keel live many times. For Wallygator he remained patient and began annoying Rockpile promoter Steve Hoeg. Every time Steve would tease about a new show, without fail Wallygator would immediately fire back with “Ron Keel Band?”
I am doubtful this had anything to do with the announcement of this summer’s RON KEEL BAND mini Canadian Tour, but upon the announcement, Wallygator received the following message. “I hope you will finally shut the f*#! up” – Steve Hoeg. After 35 years, Ron Keel is coming back to Canada! Bucketlist? Check!
Canadian Thunder – Our Chat With The Metal Cowboy…
Ron Keel called in to the CGCM Podcast studios to update us on the tour and all things Keel. They discuss what to expect when the Ron Keel Band rolls up to Canada in August. Also discussed are his brief moment as the lead singer of Black Sabbath, the upcoming South X South Dakota Southern Rock album and his post Keel band Fair Game that never got off the launching pad.
The Canadian Geeks are both proud and honoured to announce that this very special episode of the Podcast will mark our debut on DAZED ROCK RADIO.
Starting this week the CGCM Podcast can now be heard Friday nights at 5:00pm CST with an encore performance Sunday’s at 1:00pm CST. Dazed Rock Radio can easily be streamed using the Live 365 App
To continue the mayhem check out our Audio Episodes and rate us on Podchaser! And as always: buy the albums! / /
Furthermore, the CGCM Podcast is proudly sponsored by The Farm Rehearsal Studios/Farm Rocks Build-A-Band Program in Markham, Ontario. By Cloven Hoof Rum in Brighton and Hove, UK. And lastly, T-Shirt Elephant in Toronto. In co-operation with King Art Music Management/Promotion, in Helsingborg, Sweden.