CGCM Podcast EP#103 – Happy 3rd Birthday

CGCM Podcast EP#103 - Happy 3rd Birthday
CGCM Podcast EP#103 – Happy 3rd Birthday

Ok so let’s just face the facts. 2020 sucks donkey balls! This “Mexican Beer” virus continues to wreak havoc on the world, cancelling everything in its path. It’s bad enough that we have already had to postpone our 100th episode, now it has simply buggered our 3rd Birthday!

Not only is it the 3rd Birthday of the CGCM Podcast, but it is also Rich “The Meister” Dillon‘s 47th Birthday AND Wallygator‘s big 5-0.  In the words of the Metal Cowboy, Ron Keel, April 10th is a “major monumental metal milestone”.

Happy 3rd Birthday CGCM!

Welcome to the CGCM’s third birthday party. We have to do it isolated but that doesn’t mean we can’t crack open an ice-cold Black Oak Brewery beer and/or a sweet shot of Cloven Hoof Rum. Raise a toast and let’s learn about April 10th!

Wallygator came prepared with a bunch of facts about this important date in history. Music facts, general facts and a bunch of crap that nobody really cares about. It’s not like you have anywhere to go! So stop your bitching, stay at home and flatten the curve.

As always the boys bring the music! They alternate between “3” themed songs (cause the podcast turns 3 years old…duh.) and “gift” themed songs. Since they can’t be in the same room to record together, the hosts give each other “birthday gift” songs as tokens of appreciation for each other. Join us, won’t you?

Catch us on Dazed Rock Radio! Tune in Friday nights at 5:00pm CST and again Sunday’s at 1:00pm CST. Dazed Rock Radio can easily be streamed using the Live 365 App.

Feel free to like and share, but most of all if you like what you hear, support the artists and buy the albums! / To continue the mayhem check out our Audio Episodes and rate us on Podchaser!

Furthermore, the CGCM Podcast is proudly sponsored by Black Oak BreweryThe Farm Rehearsal Studios/Farm Rocks Build-A-Band Program in Markham, Ontario. And by Cloven Hoof Rum in Brighton and Hove, UK. In co-operation with King Art Music Management/Promotion, in Helsingborg, Sweden.


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